This article was originally created for Hayes Knight (now Nexia Auckland).
Home > Updates > When should you switch your business structure?
In the early stages of business life the philosophy often is to keep it simple and low cost. This may mean trading as a sole trader, in partnership or through a simple company structure.
If your business remains small, this can be entirely appropriate and may serve you well for the lifetime of the company.
However, if your expectations are greater than this, or if you can see that your business is likely to grow in a significant way, then you will need to change structure at some stage.
Successful fast growth businesses typically operate through a mix of company and trust structures. These structures are not for show nor are they just a money making scheme for accountants and lawyers! They create benefits such as separation and protection of assets, tax efficiencies, better risk management and flexibility.
The key thing to remember is that your structure should be appropriate and consistent with your expectations for the business – be they large or small.
If you have a very clear picture at the beginning, then getting your structure right can be an easier question to answer. For some businesses though, the reality is that you are not sure.
Even those of us who have a business plan in place and regularly update it (best practice), we are not always able to pre-empt growth and change in our business, industry and/or the economy in general. Just look at the recent world market changes and the impact that this is having here in New Zealand.
For further advice on how to structure your financial affairs please contact your Hayes Knight adviser or:
Amanda Billington Manager – Business Services T +64 9 414 5444 M +64 27 227 9574 E